
The Highest Score

Yesterday, I went to play bowling with my friends. We played three games, I could get nice score. I got 193 score on third game! As I couldn't get such a score until now, I couldn't unbelieveable. I 'll continue to play bowling for a long time!

Red Hair★

I dyed my hair the red! Although my hair is not black since I was born, I think that this color is very vivid. Some classmates said " Wow!! you are nicer with red hair. It's so cool!! " It makes me happy!


Book Review 1-6 (London)

It is introduced about some histories, theaters, and traffic mainly in this book. The River Thamas run through the center of London from west to east, and the London becames famous thanks to the River Thamas. Julius Caesar arrived in Britain in 55 BC. He said this famous words, "Veni, vidi, vici ". Some londoners thinking that he built the first bridge across the River Thamas. There are about fifty theaters in West End. It is said that James Burbage built the first theater in 1576, and many londoners played there. After this event, rest of theaters were built in turn. Some people who are in London now are not live in London. We can hear 250 languages in London. They usually come to London by trains. Include these people, many people use trains to travel every day. Rather this book is to read than as if guide book of London. Although the constitution of this book is not arranged, this book will useful when I want to research about histories and customs of London!


Leaning English Words

Today, I learned English words with ALK. I have to complete 30 percent by May 31. I did until 20 percents today. It was difficult to type long words for me. I need to more study hard.


I had a part time job as usual yesterday. I always work about ten hours on Saturday and Sunday, but I worked only five hours yesterday. I could finish my work more than always. As I have never been to got back, I was very glad!!

Essay 3 My favorite Animal

Although I don’t have pets, I have one favorite animal. I’ll introduce a few stories about favorite animal. My best animal is cats. Recently, I often see some kinds of cat in university and near my house. “ Mew meow “ I listen to this voice when I go to university in the morning.

My House is surrounded by other houses, and some people who live around my house have cats. Probably, as there is a large park next to our house, it is easy to play for them. Thanks to its, I can see some cats every day. Although I think the cat is sometimes noisy, I feel so cute when I see a sleeping cat. I love face of sleeping cat!!

On the other hand, I often see brown cats and black cats in the building 1 of university. One day, I saw three cats when I left from the building1. They looked me with strange expression, and they walked toward stairs. They might be thought, “ One person came here. Why are you look us? “. As I read a horror story about black cats in one book, I felt that the black cat is a mystery for me. The black cat has different personality compared to other cat. If I see black cat in night time, it may happen strange thing around me.

Although this is not real cat, I also like “ Chammy Kitty “. At first, I was not interested in this, but I became like since my mother bought a pillow of chammy kitty. I’m using this pillow when I sleep in night time now. If I have enough money, I will have one cat. I think that I want to welcome a cat asa partner of me!