
You are cool madam!

When I went to diamond city CLARE last night, I watched a woman who rode LEGEND in the parking area of diamond city. This woman seemed to visited alone, and she looked an elegant. Also, The LEGEND is a high class car in Japan. I thought that women who drive a nice car are very cool!!

Night Touring

After I checked my gmail last night, I went to diamond city CLARE by bicycle! It tooks about 40 minutes from Kumamoto Gakuen University to here. I took this picture when I arrived at parking areas in diamond city. As I thought that this tower (Can you see? There is a tower in center of this picture!) is pretty since I went to here for the first time, I took a picture. Although I didn't buy nothing here, it was interesting!



I began to use this hair wax from last week. Have you ever seen this wax? Also, have you ever used this wax? The wax of UNO is a little hard for me, but this wax is easy to use and it is very useful when I'm styling my hair! Although I bought this wax for the first time, I think that I got a good thing!