My Best Favorite Car!
Chapter 2 Becoming 20 years Old
I became a 20 years old for third days ago, I felt that I became a boy to guy. What do you do at first if you become 20 years old? If you become 20 years old, you can drink alchols. I drank a sweet cocktail immediately.
At first, I have to vote for election. In fact, one letter about election sent to me before my birthday. As I didn't know about election well, I asked to my parents about how to vote of election. Although voting for election is a little difficult for me, I'll go to an elementary school for vote on July 29!
Second, we have a coming of age celemony at the first of next year. This day will become a one of memorable day for us. I think that becoming 20 years old is memorable thing for me!
At first, I have to vote for election. In fact, one letter about election sent to me before my birthday. As I didn't know about election well, I asked to my parents about how to vote of election. Although voting for election is a little difficult for me, I'll go to an elementary school for vote on July 29!
Second, we have a coming of age celemony at the first of next year. This day will become a one of memorable day for us. I think that becoming 20 years old is memorable thing for me!
My Favorite Sports
One of my hobby is playing bowling. I played bowling with my classmate today, and we play four games. As I played before two months ago, I was a little tired. Although I'm not good player, I could get nice score. I'll continue to play bowling for become a excellent player!
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