
Learning With Computer

I'm studing with computer these day. I'm writing some comments to my blog or other students blog, and I'm studing "ALC". As you know, we have to try level 5 of power words, I could try until ninety percents. I think that I have many opptunities for learning with computer compared to last year. I'd like to remenber how to use computer in order to use freely!

Book Review 1-10 (The Phone Rings)

One day, Ben was in the cafe at university with his friends. They talked, one girl who has long hair and green eyes came in this cafe. Ben fells in love to her.Thanks to Ben's two friends, Ben could know that this girl's name is Lauren Tayor, and he also found that Lauren likes "Teddy Bears". Ben wents to university with some yellow "Teddy Bears" next morning. Although every students looked him, Ben didn't mind their eyes. A few days later, Ben gots an important informations about Lauren from his friend. According to this friend, Lauren is a vegetarian and she hasn't a boyfriend now. Ben thought that it is chance. The dance party is held on next morning, and Lauren talked to Ben by myself. She knew Ben's name and some things about him, and Lauren and Ben danced together after first conversations. This is pure love story. As characters are same age for us, I could sympathised the ending of this story.If you like love story, please try to read this book!


Book Review 1-9 (Moonfleet)

John Trenchard lives in Moonfleet village. As his parents were dead when John was little boy, he lives with his aunt's now. One day, John heard a story about diamond. This diamond was hidden by John Mohune who John met the bar before. It is said that nobody knows where is a diamond. John went to church for research diamond after the storm left. He found a dead man there. After a few minutes later, as someone came here, John hid behind this man. John fell sleep immediately. When John woke up, He was in Elzevir's house. John decided to live Elzevir's house from this day because of his aunt dosen't want to him. After a few weeks ago, John and Elzevir went to the castle to discover a diamond. They met a man who is fat there. Three people walked inside of castle, John discovered a diamond when John put his hands in hole of ground. The man said "Please give me it!", but John didn't give this diamond. The fight is happened because of the man had guns. John and Elzevir left this castle immediately. However, they had to went to prison as thief, and they spent in prison for a long time. Although Elzevir is dead earlier than John, John becames a rich man at last.
I think that how to end of ending of this book is very good. It is easy to read for me.


Favorite "shop"

Do you know "NISSEN"? The "NISSEN" is online shop, and we can buy clothes, inner, and furniture and so on. The price of goods is reasonable and quality of clothes are very good! I bought two jeans and one boots by "NISSEN" until now. As my mother is a menber of "NISSEN", it was easy to buy for me. I'm thinking that I want to become a menber of "NISSEN" after I graduated university.

Essay 6 Job And Private

Hello everyone! Do you know me? You might have spoken with me when you were university student. I become fourty years old next year, s0 I'll introduce about my two "faces".

Firstly, I have a "face" as copywriter. I'm working in the publisher where there is in Aichi prefecture. I came in Aichi after I experienced some part time jobs for a few years.

Many manuscripts are carried in our office every day, and correcting these manuscripts with computer is my main job. Recently, I began to correct some manuscripts that written by foreign novelists. As I majored in English when I was university student, it is not difficult, but it is not easy for me.

Last week, I had to correct manuscripts that written by British novelist. As he used many professional words of Britain, I spent many times for correction. At last, I finished this job for three months. It was the hardest job until now.

Next, I have a "face" as free person. I go to far places with "RAV4" whenever I have free times. Driving with favorite car was one of my dream from highschool student. As "RAV4" has fine drive ability, I always can drive with comfortable feeling.

I have been to almost places of Aichi since I came in Aichi, and I bought this car. I feel that the Aichi is wider than city where I lived before, I don't be boring even though I go to same places again and again! My best favorite place is Takashimaya. I love this department store since I visited when I was junior highschool student. The Takashimaya makes me feel freshness, I always go there when I want to buy breads and manjyuu.

I'll get back to Kumamoto for an alumni assosiation of university days in next month, so I'm looking forward to see everyone!!